Wow 10G, what a great week you have had. You have all been working really hard this week and Miss Robertson, Mrs McShane and Mrs Jones are all very proud of you all. You have all been super busy learning all about the LGBTQ community and all about different families, same love. We all read a story together called ‘Part of the Party’ and discussed the different families that we read about. We then talked about what our families were like and who we lived with. We are all different and that is a great thing!
On Wednesday we also talked about the Road Safety posters we have made on our TEAMS call with Mr Murphy and discussed all about living a healthy life and how to make an amazing poster to promote this. On Thursday we all did an experiment on the TEAMS call about how to conduct a fair test and also begun to learn all about friction. We didn’t know what a fair test was at the beginning of the lesson but knew a lot more about how to plan and follow our own fair tests by the end. On Friday morning we had our weekly maths quiz which we really enjoyed. We have also all been very busy learning all about how to live a healthy life through our ASDAN work and practising our Maths and English skills. We are all very excited to be back together again soon! Have a lovely weekend everyone.