We have been very busy in Sycamore class this week, We have been focussing on the story of Lost and Found. We have enjoyed hearing all about the boy and the penguin. We discussed how the boy and the penguin could get to the south pole and how the penguin was feeling at different parts in the story. 


We enjoyed making our own penguins using different coloured paper, scissors and glue to help us then we added some googly eyes and gave our penguin's a name! We had Thomas the penguin, William the penguin, BomBom the penguin and Gilber the penguin. It was lovely to see the penguins our friends at home had made too! 


Row, Row, Row your boat! We practiced our rowing skills but we didn't use an umbrella like the penguin did. In class we looked at floating and sinking, we made predictions on if items would float or sink and conducted an experiment to test our predictions. 


This week in Sycamore we made some penguin pancakes, we decided what ingredients we wanted to use to make our penguins and designed them ourselves, they looked delicious, and tasted delicious too!


It has been great to see how our friends at home have also been helping the penguin, making sure that he was able to find where he was going and that the boy could find his boat. We have loved seeing and hearing what everyone has been up to at home and enjoyed seeing our friends on TEAMS this week. We look forward to seeing our friends in school next week. 


Have a good weekend everyone.