Ahoy there everyone!
Rowan have had a busy start to a new term.
Our new Theme of Pirates has delighted the children who have enjoyed exploring our new pirate role play area. We have introduced our new story 'Pirates love underpants' which they have all enjoyed and participated well with, producing some super sequencing and colourful semantics related work so well done everyone!!
Our pirates ventured outside with the school parachute to take part in some team work activities where they all had to work together to get the parachute moving allowing our pirates to duck under and 'Grab the Treasure!' and to sail the ball on the seven seas trying to keep it on the parachute.....which was great fun!
We had a AA session sandcastle splat in which the children had to splat the sandcastle to find the 'Treasure'
We have done some focus work on shapes this week identifying shape names and exploring 2D and 3D shape concepts. The children tried really hard and showed some good knowledge of shapes.
Lots of outdoor time this week with the glorious sunshine (let's hope it sticks around!) making use of the climbing frame and playing on the bikes which were a great hit and got our leg muscles working.
Have a lovely weekend my fellow pirates and get plenty of rest before our next busy week!