In Willow class we have been learning about Ramadan, a month of fasting, prayer, reflection and community observed by Muslims worldwide. 

Miss Riley explained what Ramadan is and what it means to Muslims. We looked at how Muslims practice their faith during this time and what extra activities they do (and don’t do!) during this time. The children were very interested in fasting and the self control we thought would be needed to be able to fast! 

We watched newsround to see how Ramadan is being practiced differently this year due to coronavirus and compared this to events we have done differently this year too. We listened to a clip of a boy our age explaining what Ramadan means for him and how people are meeting other through FaceTime and in smaller groups instead of large groups in  Mosques to observe social distancing. 

Willow class decided to make some collaborative art to put in our window to show the rest of school that we wish them “Ramadan mumbarak”. We have also started our Ramadan kindness challenge calendar in class- each day we will add a kindness challenge to encourage us to practice one kind deed a day as Muslims practice kindness as Prophet Muhammad teaches practicing kindness and compassion.