Another busy week in Rowan class!
We have been busy practicing our writing this week and writing words about our class story ‘Pirates Love Underpants’. We got creative and made our own pirate swords using different craft materials.
In ‘My Thinking and Problem Solving’ we have been focusing on shapes and creating different patterns using shapes and colours.
In ‘The World about Me’ we have been looking at different properties of everyday materials. We have been exploring the objects in Rowan class and using our describing words to explain how it feels. We have been using words such as stretchy, hard, smooth, soft, bendy and rough.
On Thursday it was ‘World day’ and we learnt about how we can help keep the world a happy place. We talked about recycling different materials and to turn lights off when we are not using them. We created some fantastic Earth art work to celebrate the wonderful world we live in.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine!
Rowan Class Team