9R returned refreshed and ready to learn after the half term break.
We have practised our measuring skills in maths by making our own potions and then using a funnel and measuring cylinders, we had to give our potions a name, choose ingredients and say what our potion did.
We celebrated Mrs Bigio’s birthday on Wednesday - birthday cake in nurture!
On Wednesday afternoon some of our parents and carers joined us for sharing our learning, we started by sharing the spells we had made up - these included summoning a Tesla, giving things polka dots, freezing things and bring a favourite football team glory. Then we had a quiz about Harry Potter and lastly we did some drawing of our favourite characters and we had to guess who they were. It was a really lovely afternoon that everyone enjoyed.
In PE we had a game of rounders out on the field, we enjoyed it so much we played during our break time.
Sarah brought her stick insects in to show us all - Dave, Bob and Steve, they were interesting to look at when we could spot them.
Star of the week this week is Tyler.
Hogwarts house of the week is Hufflepuff.
Our resident weather watcher has confirmed that the weather is going to be sunny and hot over the weekend so make sure you all wear sun cream and drink plenty of water.