Today in Willow class we were learning all about Divali! We looked at what Divali actually means- what is it and how is it celebrated? The children enjoyed talking about the special celebration and ways it is celebrated using special food, music, decorations and lights. Some of the children drew some great comparisons between this and their own celebrations such as Christmas, comparing Divali lights to Christmas lights.

After this we explored why it is the festival of light, looking at different ways light is used during this time. We split into groups to make our own Diya lamps in the form of salt dough candle holders. The children worked hard to follow visual schedule instructions as a group to make their own salt doh to share out before moulding and cooking their candle holders. 
At dinner time we watched news round to look at how people are celebrating Divali this year differently to lockdown last year and had some great lunchtime conversations. 
This afternoon we painted our fantastic candle holders and chose who we might like to give them to at home as Divali gift. We also looked at rangoli patterns and had a go at making our own rangoli artwork to put up in class in honour of Divali.

Great work Willow class!