This week in 7 a we have been busy making some special treats to thank the special ladies around us. Some children decided to make their gifts for their mums , grandmas , aunties and sisters. At the start of the week the class used different materials and colours to mix up some lovely scented soap liquid. They choose a mould to pour the mixture into and carefully moved them to set. When set the class popped them out of the mould and wrapped them up beautifully in some coloured tissue paper ready to take home.
Later in the week 7 a class whipped up a storm with some yummy biscuits . They choose the shape cutters to use for their biscuits and cooked ready for decorating . They used items of their choice to decorate and wrapped them up to take home ready for Sunday .
This week in orienteering the class had to explore the grounds to find animal pictures in the environment and write them down on their clipboard. When they had found all the animals the children the children sat down for a well deserved hot chocolate.
In English this week we made a book review video of the story ‘the great kapok tree’ . The children wrote down what they liked and didn’t like about the story and how many stars they rate it . They then went outside to find the perfect background scenery to record their book review , working in pairs to record each other’s book review on apple clips.
On Friday with Miss Troughton the children enjoyed a game of guess the sound followed by a lovely game of rounders in the sun. The children showed great teamwork and understanding of the rules. Well done 7 a !!
Enjoy a relaxing weekend hopefully in the sun !
Stay safe ,
Mr Massey , Mrs Smith , Mrs Lane , Mrs Scambler and Mr Crew