This week the children have done some magnificent money work in maths. The children used role play to work in small groups visiting the shop, selecting games and items of different amounts . Each child had £10 to spend , when selecting items from the shop they was able to work out weather or not they had enough money to buy more than one item. The shop keeper then used coins to work out how much change the customer needed. They worked really well in their groups and surprised all the teachers how well they can use money.
On Tuesday in forest schools the class used their orienteering skills to find hidden Easter eggs around the school grounds. They had to use their iPads to take pictures of the 10 eggs hidden . Once they had found all the eggs the children returned to class for a tasty Easter egg treat.
On Wednesday in understanding our world the class looked at different animal categories , mammals , birds and fish. Mr Massey talked about the different features each category has and the class had a go together at categorising some animals using their features . The children then worked independently to group the animals by feature. Once they had completed this and felt confident they was able to choose an animal to create a collage and label the features that put them into this category.
In English this week we have been learning all about the Easter story. Mr Massey told the Easter story alongside a PowerPoint . The children were very interested and sparked up some interesting questions leading to some quality discussions in class. The children set off on their independent work cutting and sticking to order the story correctly.
Later in the week the children created som amazing Easter crafts . They started with an Easter card cutting sticking and folding . Then moved onto creating some fabulous Easter baskets ready to fill to take home.
Another brilliant week in 7 a , have a lovely Easter break and stay safe !
Mr Massey , Mrs Smith , Mrs Lane , Mrs Scambler and Mr Crew .