We’ve had another busy couple of weeks in 7A. We have been working on our Aspirational Learning Intentions and our Curriculum Learning Goals. 

In Wizard Workshop, we finished our wands following our initial design plans and using a range of tools and materials.

In PE we have been developing our game skills in rounders. Our batting has get much better and some of us can hit the ball really far!

We have been continuing to focus on our comminuted safety skills; focusing on our road safety and stopping before stepping off the curb. This week 7A staff were really impressed with every learner for remembering to stop at every road side - Well Done 7A!

Last Thursday and Friday some learners from 7A joined some of 10 to completed their level 1 and level 2 Bike Ability with Chorley Schools Sports Partnership. Tyler, Rochelle and Josh worked really hard and did super listening to the instructors to keep safe in the community. 

On Tuesday, Astley Park celebrated World Hunger Day. In 7A we learned about what ‘World Hunger Day’ means and why it is important we celebrate it. We had lots of discussions about people who may not have access to food and what we would do if we couldn’t just go to a shop. Some of 7A went into Morrisons shopping and bought some non-perishable foods to donate. We learnt that non-perishable means that the item does not go off quickly and does not need storing in a fridge. Michael, Bella, Tyler and Joshua did fantastic looking and choosing of items to donate, thinking about what people might enjoy to eat! 

On our last Friday (today), we enjoyed a chilled out morning with some yummy breakfast treats including, bacon butties, pancakes and cereal. 

We hope everyone enjoys the half-term break! 

-Team 7A