Willow class have had another fantastic week! On Tuesday, we learnt about the creation story in R.E. and all about the word ‘creation.’ We put our creativity to the test and used our imagination to ‘create’ whatever we wanted to with a range of craft materials. We were really proud of our creations and liked letting our imaginations take over! Another group explored their senses in the quiet room. We explored different smells, different textures and different tastes. We also enjoyed exploring the concept of light and dark and used torches in the dark. 

We also continued with our boat designs using the iPads, and made more detailed designs. We then made a list of materials we would need and used our problem solving skills to think of ways we can make our boats waterproof. 

On Wednesday we walked to Asda to buy the ingredients for our food technology lesson in the afternoon. We enjoyed exploring Asda and finding the different items on our list. In food technology we enjoyed making Pizza where we made our dough, rolled it out and added our chosen ingredients. We also enjoyed watching them cook in the oven and smelling the delicious smells!

on Thursday we enjoyed practicing jumping and reaching high and trying to reach different targets. Willow class worked well at this and enjoyed a bit of a challenge. In the afternoon we looked at Pride day here we talked about stereotypes and how it is good to like different things and dress differently. We then decorated our class flag ready for our parade. 

On Friday we listened to a story about different types of families and we made cards for Father’s Day. We also made some cakes for the summer fair. 
In the afternoon we enjoyed taking part in the Rainbow colour parade. 

Well done to Leon who got Star of the Week.