On Monday morning we learnt about Remembrance Day. We talked about why we commemorate Remembrance Day and what happens on each year on the 11th November. We then went down to the cage at 11 o'clock to listen to Mrs Chaloner playing the Last Post on her trumpet. The whole class were very respectful, during the 2 minutes silence. In the afternoon, the class made friendship bracelets, as this week is Friendship Week. It was a tricky lesson, simply because the staff couldn't tie the string properly, but the finished results were great!! In maths this week we have continued with looking at numbers, with some of us learning how to add bigger numbers together, whilst others were using multiplication and division to solve problems.
On Tuesday, we learnt about Respect. This week is anti-bullying week, with the theme being 'Choose Respect'. We discussed what respect means and how we can show it to each other. We mind mapped what respect means to us - there were some great ideas around the room. In the afternoon we headed into town to stock up on snacks, ready for our cinema visit on Wednesday.
On Wednesday, we used our mind maps from our last lesson to write an acrostic poem, using the words CHOOSE RESPECT. It was really lovely to see everyone thinking about how we can explain what it means, thinking really hard about using the correct letter. The final products were great! On Wednesday afternoon we carried on with our ASDAN unit of 'Making the most of leisure time' by visiting the cinema to watch Paddington in Peru.
On Thursday we had Day 1 of Bikeability. We started in the cage, learning how to get going, use our gears and brake. Everyone did so so well and the Bikeability team said everyone passed their level 1, meaning we could all head off school grounds onto the local roads in the afternoon to work on our level 2! It was a great first day!
On Friday we had Day 2 of Bikeability. We all headed off site to practise our road riding skills, including turning at junctions and signalling. We were impressed by everyone involved. Photos from Bikeability will follow next week! Also on Friday, we were joined by Mr Welsh for lunch after being chosen in the draw in celebration assembly last week. He came loaded with hot chocolate, squirty cream, marshmallows and sprinkles, along with after eight mints for everyone. It was a big thumbs up from all!
We don't have a star of the week this week, as were weren't in celebration assembly, but I would just like to say a huge well done to everyone for the effort put into Bikeability this week. It really was great to watch you all take it seriously and have fun at the same time!