9P have had a very busy week this week, as you can see from how many photos we've taken!
On Monday, we did Maths in the morning and then PSHE and Weekend News in the afternoon.
On Tuesday, we went swimming in the morning and then did Science and Coding in the afternoon. Two of the pupils went on their community visit to ASDA while the rest of the class did Science and Coding.
On Wednesday, we did English in the morning. They all worked really hard and we are super proud of them! We also did an Attention Autism session before English. This ran long but the pupils paid attention the whole time, well done! We went on our community visit in the afternoon. This time we went to Tesco.
On Thursday, the children did Music in the morning with Ms Troughton. They are currently practising their Xmas song ready for the Secondary Performance. In the afternoon, we did targets interventions. The pupils worked really hard in their allocated groups. Some of them even focused super well on their Maths targets, even on a Thursday afternoon! Well done. Two of the pupils went on a community visit to the park as part of their targets intervention. Then we did Picture News as part of our Thrive Thursdays session.
On Friday, we did PE in the morning, where we learnt how to pass a rugby ball. In the afternoon, we did celebration assembly and golden time. We also celebrated Adam’s birthday and his mum bought everyone in class McDonald’s and we did party games. Happy Birthday, Adam!
Well done on a fantastic week 9P!
See you again tomorrow. Hope you had the best weekend.