Wow another very busy, exciting 2 weeks we’ve had in Oak Class! Everyone has worked super hard with their learning, from singing and counting The Very Hungry Caterpillar body parts in maths, solving missing number sequences and matching the caterpillars food items to numbers too.
We continued our learning from Friendship week and loved the Sensory Story based on a song ‘Let’s be friends together’ everyone joined in by playing with the parachute, strumming a guitar, having a party and eating cake. Their happy faces brought joy to Oak Class for certain!
As part of our Outdoor Learning we walked our school grounds on the hunt for mini beasts. Before setting off on our walk we sang a new song about ants and then got dressed for the outdoors. Following a mini beast hunt tick-list, we set off on our search, finding lots of glistening spiders webs! Back in class we then used magnifying glasses to hunt for insects in our outdoor inspired tuff tray. We used natural materials to make mini beasts as well.
Each week we have seen a greater independence building as they make their own sandwich in Food Technology. We love to start with our upbeat cooking song which then leads nicely into the preparation element. The children follow visual instructions confidently and always enjoy eating the end product!
Finally we have loved our Friday ‘ t t tea parties’ as we’ve learnt the ‘t’ sound in phonics. We began by recapping our previous sounds ‘s’ and ‘a’ and then sang our ‘t’ song before making flavoured tea, we could choose sliced lemon or limes. The end of our party finished with a little video of all the words we use beginning with t.
We are all so proud of each and every member, they are working so hard and we can see their confidence growing.
Oak Team