We’ve had a fantastic first week back in 9P!
On Monday, we did Phonics, Picture News and PSHE in the morning. They did really well in their decision making activities linked to road safety and social skills. We also made a group decision on where we want to go on our reward class trip before the Easter break. In the afternoon, we did weekend news/colourful semantics and then we started our Athletics topic in PE.
On Tuesday, we did Phonics, reading and writing interventions and English. The children all focused really well as we started our new topic. We focused on the story “Hey Everybody, We’re Going to the Zoo!” today, ready for our topic themed trip next week where we are going to Blackpool Zoo! On Tuesday afternoon, we did Science where we learnt about animal features while half of the class went to the library.
On Wednesday morning, we did Phonics, number interventions and then started our new topic on 2D shapes. They all tried really hard. On Wednesday afternoon, we did Science where we learnt about animal features while half of the class went to the library.
On Thursday morning, 9P had My Creativity with Ms Troughton. In the afternoon, we did our targets interventions and then our Thursday Thrive session, where we talked about what sports we’d like to try over the next 2 weeks in our Thrive sessions.
On Friday morning, we did an attention autism session linked to our topic and then we learnt about online safety in Computing. In the afternoon, we had golden time and celebration assembly.
Have a great rest of your weekend! Remember we have our topic themed trip to Blackpool Zoo on Wednesday next week.