What a busy active few weeks we’ve had in Oak Class!
We’ve been practicing our hand and foot coordination in P.E through catching, throwing and kicking balls. Also we continue to strengthen our core during our weekly balance bikes sessions too.
Some of Oak Class have walked to Astley Park exploring the woodland looking at what we can see and hear. A small group enjoyed fun at Devonshire Park taking turns on the equipment with our friends.
We have learnt about the 5 little bunnies counting 1-5 carrots and especially enjoyed the hungry caterpillar story in our group sessions. Exploring different foods and textures through our continuous provision activities. Also we did fantastic engagement in our music lesson where we got to explore different sounds, taking it in turns to play each instrument.
At Asda we bought lots of healthy food for our friends to enjoy at snack time and use in our fine motor cutting activities.
What a fabulous few weeks we’ve all had!
From all of Oak Team.