This week in maths we have continued with working on the four operations, focusing on division Some of us have learnt what sharing is, how to use physical resources to help us share and also how to use factors to divide large numbers by 2-digit numbers!
In Picture News on Monday, the question was 'Who should make key decisions for the world?'. We discussed what is happening around the world as a result of climate change and did some research of natural disasters that have occurred in recent years that we believe are an effect of climate change. We talked about who can make a change - some learners suggested the government but we decided that even we can help towards stopping the effects of climate change by recycling, turning off lights and walking more.
On Monday afternoon, some of our learners went to Tesco, using the public bus. This is part of our ASDAN unit on 'Personal Safety in the Home and the Community'. Everyone will be repeating this every few weeks, each week building up their independence.
On Tuesday afternoon, we started with Joseph's birthday party. We played the usual games including musical chairs and musical bumps, but with Joseph being a Thomas the Tank fanatic, we played 'pin the 1 on Thomas'! Everyone had a great time. We then went to All Seasons for football - we worked on turning with the ball, following the lines on the sports hall floor. Some of us found it easy but some of us found it really tricky.
On Wednesday we were back at Hindley Pool for swimming. Another great swimming session for everyone!
On Thursday we were blessed with a beautiful day for our walking visit to Mere Sands. We took our time walking the 1.5mile route around the woods, stopping to spot the signs and look out from the hides. We really enjoy these visits as we get the walk and chat with our friends, enjoying the local environment.
Friday morning saw us restarting our work experience around school. Some of us spent time in the lower primary classes and some of us sorted out the Forest School containers, to see what equipment we have. We then learnt about Chinese New Year, making decorations to celebrate the Year of the Snake. In the afternoon we had Golden Time and celebration assembly. Our Star of the Week is for being a fantastic representative of APS whilst completing her work place visits at the nursery for the last 3 weeks! Well done Gem!