This week in chestnut class we have been celebrating sports week and getting busy using our bodies. 
On Monday we practiced our ball skills , the children did some super throwing , rolling , catching and hitting a ball.  We used our fine motor skills and enjoyed cutting up some vegetables. 

On Tuesday the children loved a bit of dancing and shook their silly’s out to sticky kids. They used their fine motor skills to squeeze the scissors to cut up some leaves and used pegs to pick up cotton wool. 

On Wednesday the children tried really hard with the balloon challenge and did a super job of keeping them in the air for as long as they could. We also chased and popped bubbles outside whilst the weather was lovely and sunny. We copied actions from a simple follow me singing clip too. 

On Thursday we watched and had a good go at a triathlon. The children sat down and practiced swimming , cycling and running, what hard work.

On Friday the children enjoyed a simplified version of crazy golf, using skittles and a ball. They then loved a little play dough gym to get our finger muscles working and engaged well with relaxation. 
They have all been super sports stars this week , well done Chestnut. 

Scarlett from Chestnut Class has also joined in with all the activities at home. She tried her best with all the challenges, even when she found them a little tricky. She had lots of fun and has received yet another good certificate!! Great work Scarlett!

Stay safe and have a nice weekend ,

Chestnut staff