We have had a busy week of celebrating different events this week in 9G. 

The week started looking at what Remembrance is, why we wear poppies and how we remember. Miss Hendy did an attention autism, where we watched her create some crosses using black sand, and then we took turns to sprinkle red petals onto the crosses saying ‘We will remember them’.  9G created their own poppies which are now on display in class using tissue paper squares of different colours. We also created poppies in the tough tray using a variety of different materials.  

On Remembrance day, we watched a video clip about why we wear poppies, and took part in the two minutes silent. Everyone was very silent and respectful during this. We then continued with our poppy creativity activity, a pairs turn taking activity and some colouring. 

This week we have been continuing to work on our number skills, recognising amounts, addition and counting out amounts. We have also continued with sight reading, sounds write and have been introduced to our new story Star in a Jar. 

Later in the week we have been celebrating Children in Need. We have done this by taking part in the five to thrive activities. This including connecting with each other, which we did through circle time, being active which we did through joe wicks workouts, being mindful by taking part in our favourite monkey mindful breathing activity and being curious by trying some new choose activities in class. Then on Friday everyone donated and came in their own clothes, some of them Pudsey themed! We have taken part in some Children in need activities and had a little photo shoot in class this morning! 

Well done 9G for another super week! 

Miss Hendy, Mrs England and Miss McPartlin