7A have been working hard today this week.
On Monday in school we practiced our number skills with Mrs Fisher and then went on a materials hunt outside in the afternoon.
On Wednesday we continued to work on our number skills and then in the afternoon continued to learn about the changes that will happen to our body during puberty in our Me and My Body lesson before completing some Joe Wicks exercises to keep healthy.
Today we have practiced our reading and writing skills through targeted intervention work in small groups or 1:1. Some learners practiced sight reading, some learners accessed phonics interventions and others developed their fine motor skills for improved letter formation. This afternoon, we have enjoyed playing games outside to strengthen our relationships with each other.
Learners at home have done some fantastic work on Purple Mash and Education City. Keep up the good work everybody!
A special well done to our Star of the Week Owen R for increased confidence when working independently, especially on his number work. Superstar!
One more week until the holidays 7A!