7A have had a very busy week! We have been working hard and we are so excited to have everybody back in school next week.
In My Thinking and Problem Solving this week we have been learning to tell the time to the hour and half past the hour on analogue and digital clocks, as well as engaging in some targeted 1:1 intervention work to develop our understanding of number using concrete apparatus.
In My Communication this week, we celebrated World Book Day on Thursday. On Friday, we took part in a drama session. Last week we had watched a scene from the Incredibles where Mr Incredible helped an old lady rescue her cat as well as stopping a criminal to help the police. The learners in school worked together to write a script last week and this week, we rehearsed our scene and filmed it. Here it is for you to watch:
We discussed our next steps for making our own movies. The learners suggested using costumes, props and a green screen to make our movie scenes even better. We will be writing new scripts next week when everybody is back in school.
In The World About Me, we finished our unit of work about materials. We have learnt about lots of materials and their properties.
In My Creativity, we practiced developing rhythm using drums with Mrs Fisher. It was lots of fun, very noisy, and we need to keep practicing to keep in time with each other!
In My Communication, some learners continued to learn how to identify our emotions, while others explored the topic of cyber bullying and discussed appropriate behaviours online.
We have also enjoyed time on the climbing frame, playing football and catch outside and golden time this week!
The learners at home have continued to work on their personalised learning goals through online learning activities and video calls with school. They also enjoyed joining in with our World Book Day activities. Well done everyone! We can't wait to see you all next week.