It has been such a great week having all of 9G back together finally!
Everyone has done so well, settling back into the routine and getting back into the swing of the classroom.
This week we have focused on remembering our routines, playing with our friends, and getting back into the swing of our Sight Reading, Number and shape work. We have also looked at keeping ourselves safe in the environment, online and on roads. Everyone has tried hard to work on different activities to keep our engines just right in class, trying to work out what works best for us.
With Mr Murphy this week we worked on Back to Earth with a Bump, where we took part in a sensory story and then created our own Aliens and space ships. We also used clingfilm, paint and a squishing motion to create our own planet. We are going to continue with this next week making our own universe.
As well as all of this, we have been working on something special for Mothers Day. But shhh it's a secret.
This afternoon we worked on our independence skills, making Pizza Bread Toast, following instructions and practicing spreading and choosing toppings.
It has been a lovely week 9G, I can't wait till next week so we can do it all again!
Brett Greenwood
12 March 2021
Well done 9G ????????????????
Julia Hitchen
14 March 2021
Great work 9G! It’s lovely to see everyone back together again.