7P have had an amazing couple of weeks

Last week we got back into the swing of things after residential, working on our team work skills during parachute games, walking Coco and we also did some circus yoga! 

This last week 7P have started their week by half of the group going on a community visit to collect items for our baking session this week. They were very sensible, and worked on following visuals to find ingredients and paying for items at the till. The other group worked on their bike riding skills and communication in some games in class. For the rest of the week we celebrated Eid through a variety of activities including baking, craft, and writing. Today we have worked on our creative writing skills based around the circus, and have continued with communication with each other. 

A new activity for 7P is our food stall in class where we have been practicing buying snack every day using change from our own purses and wallets. This has helped us recognise coins, add up coins and practice a money transaction. We will do this for the rest of the term to continue this brilliant skill we have been learning. 

What a great week 7P!