Welcome back to spring 2, hope you’ve all had a lovely break. We’ve got a very busy half term again and lots of things to look forward to. 9A welcomed a new pupil into class, they have all been very friendly and we look forward to getting to know him. 
On Monday morning as the learners came into school they had a good catch up with their friends, they were all very excited to hear about each others holidays. In Maths this week we are looking at fractions, all the learners had very good knowledge. Well done everyone. 
In the afternoon we talked about Anderson Shelters and the learners had to research what they were, how they were built and what they were used for.

On Tuesday morning we recapped on fractions in Maths and some of us played fraction bingo. In My Communication we wrote our own acrostic poem about evacuees. We all had some really good ideas and the poems are amazing!! 
On Tuesday afternoon we had our music lesson with Mrs Mahood, we showed her how we had learnt “You are my Sunshine” on the glockenspiel before half term and she was very impressed. Next we played along  to “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”. Mrs Mahood says we all have fantastic rhythm. 
On Wednesday we carried on with fractions in Maths and in My Communication we looked at some poems that were wrote about ww2. We drew our own pictures to interpret what we thought the poems meant. In the afternoon we looked at VIP’s and the important people in our lives. 
Thursday, we did more work on fractions. We worked very hard and  are getting more confident with this subject. We had a visitor in class who may want to come and work in our school. She played a fun game with some of the pupils and chatted to lots of us. In PE today we worked in teams and had a relay assault course. The teams got quite competitive but cheered each other one. At the end of the session the scores were 24 to each team. Great work Team Blue and Team Gold. In the afternoon we looked at who helps us and how we help others. We  talked in groups before then drawing these ideas  out onto a poster.  In Online  Safety we looked at “ permission”,  this opened up a conversation about when and why we sometimes need to ask or get permission for some things. The learners are very sensible when they are having these discussions and all like to join in.

On Friday the learners wrote their own Onomatopoeia poems based on the sounds of  fireworks. The learners worked really hard. In Cooking and Nutrition the learners then followed a war recipe to make pancakes. The rationing meant some items were limited or unavailable. The opinion of the taste was very divided so some did go in the bin.  In the afternoon we enjoyed Golden Time and celebration assembly. Our Star of the Week this week is Aaron  for having a positive first week at Astley Park, making friends and joining in with everything we have done. Well done Aaron.