Well what a strange this week has turned out to be! As I’m writing this, we are down to just 4 weeks left in 11G!!!


On Monday morning we were off to swimming at Hindley. We have a new teacher now who is lovely and she put us through our paces to get lots of lengths in. Mrs Fisher and Mr Crofts are going to get in next week to keep everyone moving and make the most of our 30 minute lesson. 


In the afternoon, we did our usual split with some of us going to Food Tech with Mr Crofts and Mrs Fisher and some of us staying in class with Mrs Cobham and Miss Brown for Good to Be Me. 

In Food Tech we were making school cake and chocolate bark again for our staff tuck shop on Wednesday. As we have made this recipe before, it was really good to see more independence with the learners as they were familiar with the recipe and the techniques that they needed to use. 

In Good to Be Me, Mrs Cobham was talking to the group about worries again. This week everyone designed their own worry monster and talked about how their monster would help to get rid of their worries. 


On Tuesday and Wednesday we had some very important visitors around school from Ofsted who were coming to inspect us to see how wonderful we all are. We were very lucky to have already planned a trip so we were off site on Tuesday!

We all had a brilliant time at Worden Park with 11R and the rain stayed away. We played on the park in the morning, having lots of fun on the swings, slide, zip line and climbing. We sat and ate our dinner in the walled gardens (and even met a cheeky dog who pinched Josh’s sandwich!). Then after dinner we all got lost in the maze. A big well done to Tyler, Jacob, Harry and Danny who managed to find their way to the middle of the way without cheating and using the gates. Before we came home we had time for a quick game of football. 


On Wednesday morning, Mrs Mahood was back in charge. We were hoping that our special visitors might pop in to see 11G hard at work making bacon butties but unfortunately, they were too busy with Mr Welsh. Mrs Mahood said how impressed she was with everyone this week and said how hard everyone had worked together. 

In the afternoon, we designed and made our flag ready for the parade on Rainbow Day on Friday. Mrs Fisher and some of the boys from class went to meet one of the inspectors so that he could speak to some Year 11 pupils. They gave excellent answers to his questions and were very sensible too. Tyler even persuaded him to buy some cake from the tuck shop!


We were lucky enough to be out again on Thursday. This time it was a careers visit to Cobble Hey Farm in Garstang where we were joined by Steph from Country Trust and met the owners of the farm: Dave and Edwina. We started with a safety overview of how visit and how to keep safe whilst on the farm, then we walked up to the field to feed the baby lambs. Steph told us that Farmer Dave had had a bit of a problem as the night before our visit their garden had been trampled by escaped cows! We listened to Edwina talk to us about the plants in her garden then had a walk around the grounds of the farm. We got to feed the Pygmy goats and use the wheelbarrow to transport the hay into the cows stables. 

After dinner, we went for a walk up the big hill next to the farm. The views were wonderful at the top and were worth the big climb! Next we got to see the new piglets that had been born a few weeks ago, feed the chickens and went in the grounds to do some tree hugging. 


On Friday morning, Mrs Cobham and Miss Carter took a group to Cardinal Newman College for another transition session. The rest of the class had a walk into town to take a suit to be dry cleaned ready for prom and then spent the rest of the morning making Father’s Day cards in class. 

In the afternoon we all went outside for our rainbow parade and the sun was shining for us! We walked around the track with the rest of school and it was really nice to see all of the colourful outfits that everyone was wearing. 


A huge well done to the whole class who were awarded Star of the Week this week for excellent behaviour on our recent visits and coping well with the changes that Ofsted brought this week. 


Have a lovely weekend! We look forward to seeing everyone at parents evening and prom this week. 


Mrs Fisher, Mrs Cobham and Mr Crofts