What a lovely week it has been for staff and pupils of 9P. 

We have been celebrating our own version of Pride week with lots of discussions around families, awareness, acceptance and equality. We have used power points and colouring sheets to learn more about how we are all different, and how we should accept each other regardless of our differences. 

We finished today by celebrating Pride week with a wonderful rainbow day. We all made colourful flags and banners, and the whole school took to the track. Dressed in colourful clothes, with great sounding music being played as we walked around, it was the perfect end to Pride week for us. 

Lots of other activities have been going on throughout the week.  We made cornflake cakes that will be sold at our Summer fair tomorrow and we were very lucky to be able to have our PE lesson outside this week, on the field, as the weather stayed fine. 

A very exciting event took place, as some of us were able to watch a duckling be born.  The duck eggs were brought into school by a teacher, and kept warm until they were ready to hatch. 
We now have three very cute ducklings keeping snug and warm in an incubator.  Once they have grown a bit more they will go to their new homes, but until then we are able to spend time quietly watching them .

Hope we all have a lovely weekend, and fingers crossed for a sunny day on Saturday for our Summer fair. 

Ms Lea.