In maths this week, we have continued with developing our understanding of the four operations and using these in different contexts. Some of us have been writing number sentences using the times symbol, some of use have been using picture representations to solve larger problems and some of us have been looking at the rules of divisibility. Everyone works really hard learning this new concept. 

Picture News this week had us thinking about how we use YouTube and what we use it for. We had an interesting discussion about how the Internet is relatively new and wasn't created in a lot of the staffs childhood (which shocked some of our learners!). We thought about what we needed to do to keep ourselves safe when using these platforms and so we created a poster that we could share with younger people to help them stay safe! 

In the afternoon we learnt about Martin Luther King. We learnt about who he was and why we still talk about him now, years after he died. We learnt that he was a minister and that he used this platform to preach peacefully about the rights of black people. He went on to give a famous speech, 'I have a dream..'. We used this to create our own speech about what we would like to see change in the future. You can see these in the photos. 

Tuesday saw us back at All Seasons for football. We practised more dribbling and passing to our friends, working around obstacles (whether these be cones or people!). We ended the lesson playing scarecrow tick - I was very surprised to find out that lots of our learners didn't know what this game was! We had lots of fun playing this game and will be playing a different game next week. 

On Wednesday we travelled to Hindley Pool for our swimming lesson. As we had a few learners missing this week, everyone got the chance to swim even more lengths (which didn't go down well!!). 

On a wet and windy Thursday, we travelled to Witton Park in Blackburn. We wrapped up and braved the weather until lunch time. We got back to the bus for lunch and decided enough was enough, so travelled back to school for the last bit of the afternoon. 

On Friday we had our second visit to Cardinal Newman college. This week saw our learners working in 2 groups, taking it in turns to bake and use the iPads to create a movie reel. Everyone was fantastic, as they worked together without APS staff (we were treated to Starbucks!). Everyone came out with smiles on their faces and the added bonus of cupcakes! 

Our Star of the Week this week was Joseph for working amazingly well at Cardinal Newman! Well done Joseph!