Willow class have had a super busy two weeks. They have completed amazing math work and really pushed and challenged themselves. We made pancakes for pancake day and our learner’s chose their own toppings and decorated their pancake. Our learner’s absolutely love our sensory stories, our new one is, Oliver’s Vegetables. They created a a story map, which got our learners really thinking, remembering the order of the story. Our learner’s needed to find different vegetables in our compost sensory tray as we read through ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’. In line with science week ‘Change and Adapt’ we went to Astley Park to look for different signs of spring such as leaves, buds, flowers and animals, they had lots of fun.
Pupils in Willow class also learned how to pop seeds out of a pod then plant them (we hope they will grow!). As well as this, we investigated how different animals are camouflaged and worked out the best places for our worms to hide.
Friday was a very special day as we invited parents into school for the Holi colour run. Willow pupils really enjoyed the colour run itself with all the different colours of powder paint. Some of us tried the food and agreed it was tasty. In class we explored the story behind this important Hindu festival as well as what the colours all mean.
Thank you to everyone who joined in (or washed us and our clothes afterwards!) :)