10 Feb

Willow week 5 and 6

Willow class have had a super busy 2 weeks. Swimming, music, PE, learning about coins and money, role play shop and so much more. We made our own Supertato heroes with a potato and we added different materials to make our superhero, the learners really enjoyed this.  Our learners enjoyed learning…

28 Jan

Willow week 4

Willow have been working their little socks off thIs week. We have been swimming, singing, playing musical instruments, having community trips to Asda and learning more about healthy eating and keeping fit. Our learners have done so well learning about money and what is worth more and what is…

15 Jan

Willow week 2

What a week Willow class has had! Our learners have enjoyed swimming, PE, food technology  a visit to the supermarket and much more! We are so happy with our learners engagement and attainment during activities and tasks, they are all super stars. Our sensory story of Supertato ties in with our…

6 Jan

Willow class 2025

Welcome back Willow class, we hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Willow class settled back into school so well. We started with our sensory story of ‘Polar Bear’ using real snow and exploring different materials. Our topic this term is ‘fighting fit’ so half of the class walked…

25 Nov

Week 5 in wonderful Willow!

Willow have had a fantastic start to the week, our learners have been thoroughly engaged and the interaction to their learning has been amazing. We focused on the letter ‘W’ and all of the children did really well with this and were very engaged. The children enjoyed their attention autism…

11 Nov

Willow week 3 fun!

Willow class have started the week by partaking in music or swimming, all of the child thoroughly enjoyed their activity and were engaged! We then as a class made remembrance wreaths and we did our one minute silence on the playground, the class were super and all remained silent and a class…