5 May

Summer 1 in 7P

What a busy few weeks 7P have had! 

We have started well on our swimming! We have seen lots of improvements since last half term, some of us even going further into the deep end or not wearing our arm bands! 

In P.E we have started basketball! Miss Hendy is really enjoying teaching…

31 Mar

Maple Class enjoy a trip to The Space Centre

Maple Class have thoroughly enjoyed our trips to The Space Centre this term! We have been accessing Room 1 where we can relax in the lit den or heated water seats, climb or roll in the tunnel, gain calming input when rocking on the chair, climb and race on the slides with our friends or enjoy…

24 Mar

Busy Few Weeks in 7P

We have had a busy few weeks in 7P.

Last week we celebrated British Science Week by carrying out an experiment with cups and string. We found this really funny especially when we went outside with the really long string! We could hear our friends through the cups very loudly and we tried to…

24 Mar

This week’s capers in 7A.

On Tuesday it was World Down Syndrome Day, we all wore odd socks in support. Everyone loved looking at each other’s socks and chose favourites. We coloured in socks in lots of different colours,read the story ‘We are all different’ then discussed and came up with 3 things each about what makes us…

17 Mar

8A Make Predictions and Cakes

Well this week began with a visit from Mr Welsh and Miss  Wells. They were able to watch us make predictions about our bodies. Can taller people jump the farthest? We measured everyone’s height and then got everyone to jump as far as they could and measured the distance. 8A made sure Mr Welsh and…

17 Mar

A busy week in Maple Class

Maple Class learners have been super busy this week as we enjoy lots of different activities and special days. On Monday we celebrated Science Week and the theme this year was ‘Connections’. Maple Class have been identifying mystery scents during Attention Autism sessions and expressing whether we…

16 Mar

Another action packed week for the Super Chestnut Class

Good afternoon all,

Wow! I can’t believe what we have managed to squeeze in this week. All the pupils have been busy working on their communication skills by making requests, some have even been travelling with their PECs book to ask their adults for their motivating items. 

This week we…

16 Mar

Bikes in Sycamore class!

What a fun afternoon we had today in Sycamore class. After playtime we went on the bikes. We put our helmets on and had a big ride on the bikes in the cage.

We then needed to follow positional instructions as Mr Flavell held up STOP, GO and REVERSE signs. Whilst we was riding our bikes we…

12 Mar

We're all going on a 7P holiday!

What an amazing time 7P had on our Residential to the Anderton Centre.

On Tuesday when we arrived we went to our rooms, unpacked our cases and then made our beds. We then went off on our first adventure - low ropes and climbing. We worked alongside the adults to keep our balance on the low…

12 Mar

Rowan Class say Ahhhhhh

Our topic Emergency Emergency Emergency continues this half term, and we have had fun learning and exploring the work of dentists.

The learners have enjoyed lots of fun and multisensory learning activities including: a sensory stories, cleaning teeth, exploring the dentist role play area and…

3 Mar

9A PE - Sprinting!

In PE this week, the children started off the lesson by playing a game called Dragons. This consisted of them making two chains where they were holding onto each other’s shoulders and they had to try to remove the tag from the last person on the other chain. They really enjoyed this warm up and…

3 Mar

5 little ducks came by this week…

Well it’s been another busy week in Chestnut Class this week. We started off by looking at the police and the sensory story Officer George in the first half of the week. We then celebrated World Book Day by looking at a class favourite ‘5 Little Ducks’. The pupils came in in some greats outfits on…