26 Jun

9A Sports Week

As well as participating in the arranged Sports Week activities this week, 9A have also had in-class lessons focused on particular sports this week. 


This has included: 

Monday - focused on different sports 

Tuesday - Went swimming and then played football in the…

23 Jun

7P Sports Week 2023

7P had a fab sports week. We took part in multi sports, tag rugby, an inflatable session and yoga! 

7P all tried really hard with each activity and should be very proud of themselves! 

23 Jun

Astley Park School Sports Week 2023

Astley Park pupils have had a fantastic time during Sports Week! 


We have participated in the following activities: 

Monday - Multisports 

Tuesday - Multisports/Fundamental Movement Skills/Football 

Wednesday - Multisports/Fundamental Movement Skills/Rugby 

Thursday -…

23 Jun

Sports Week in Maple Class

Maple Class love being active and have had a fantastic time taking part in events for Sports Week! 

This week we have enjoyed sports themed Attention Autism revealing different sports apparatus and learning key vocabulary.

In the outdoor area we have been working on our throwing skills…

20 Jun

9A Rainbow Day and Water fight!

9A celebrated Rainbow Day by completing a carousel of activities in class linked to learning about different families. These tasks included: 

- being taught about different families by Miss Buck 

- researching rainbows 

- rainbow crafts 


We also participated in the parade on the…

19 Jun

Astley Park celebrate Rainbow Day

Astley Park School have a had a very colourful week as they explore rainbows, families and diversity as part of Rainbow Week celebrations! 

Rainbow week is a joyful and colourful display of love, unity, and respect, with lots of activities to promote inclusivity, opportunities to educate, and…

16 Jun

Primary Swimming Gala 2023

We had a brilliant time at the Primary Swimming Gala hosted at Accrington Academy.

All of the team did fantastic, they enjoyed 25m and 10m individual and relay races, raft races, treasure hunts and slam dunk races!

All of the team represented Astley Park School very well and we are all very…

9 Jun

9A Creative Space Centre visit

On Friday afternoon this week, 9A enjoyed visiting the Creative Space Centre in Preston. They loved having a two-tier sensory room to themselves, which included:

  • large slide
  • dark den 
  • ball pool 
  • musical steps
  • massage chair
  • other comfortable seating 
  • roller 
  • calming…
9 Jun

A busy first week back in Sycamore !

Welcome back ! 

Syacmore class have come back ready to hit the ground running . 

This week in PE we have been practicing our throwing and catching skills working towards a full game of rounders . 

In music this week the children have amazed all staff with their  knowledge of…

19 May

11G complete their amazing Triathlon

This afternoon the pupils have complete their Triathlon for Rosemere cancer foundation. We visited All Seasons gym and the pupils went on the different pieces of equipment, treadmill, cross trainer, rowing machine and the bikes to make up their kilometres. 

Everyone was amazing and took it in…

19 May

9A Rugby tournament

9A did absolutely amazing in their Tag Rugby tournament this week.

They got to the final and came 2nd place! 


Here is a brief synopsis of each game: 


First game -

We lost 4-3 in the last minute of the game! 

Jake scored 2 excellent tries with huge runs and he also passed…

12 May

8A Last of the Bank Holidays!

Well that’s the last of the Bank Holiday weeks for us. We continue to get busy in 8A. Our whole class trips took us to Astley Park this week. The weather was kind to us as we walked there and enjoyed some time on the park. The clouds began to appear so we set off back to school to miss the rain.