We are excited to announce the details of this year’s Sports Week that all of our learners can take part in whether they are learning at home or in school.

What we will be doing

  1. There will be six sports challenges to complete across the week. The challenges are: Warm up, Throw, Catch or Hit, Climbing Socks and Shoes, Balloon (or bubble) Challenge, Triathlon and Crazy Golf. 
  2. For each challenge we will upload a video demonstration that will include suggestions for adaptations so that all learners can take part. If your learner can’t access one of the challenges please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs McDonnell (on the day if possible) so that she can suggest an adaptation as we want everyone to enjoy the week and have a go at the different activities – mcdonnelle@astleypark.lancs.sch.uk
  3. The videos for each faculty: My Communication, My Thinking and Problem Solving, The World About Me, Me and My Body, My Creativity and My Community will continue to be uploaded and will have a Sports/Health theme. There will be at least one of these videos aimed at your child or young person’s pathway. If you are unsure which pathway your child or young person would usually access please get in touch with their class teacher.
  4. Your child/young person’s class teacher will be theming any additional school or home based learning around Sports.
  5. Our signs of the day will be Sports Themed
  6. There will be a daily blog on different Paralympians


What we would love to see...

Photos and videos of your learners taking part in the activities and posted on Evidence for Learning – please tag Parent Tag – Six Star Challenge for the six star challenge activities and Parent Tag – Learning from home for the other learning activities. Follow this link for guidance on uploading photos or videos https://www.astleypark.lancs.sch.uk/parents-carers/evidence-for-learning , alternatively get in touch with your learner’s class teacher for help.


Astley Park School Sports Week Timetable






Welcome to Sports Week Video and Warm up!

Climbing socks and shoes

Balloon Challenge (Or bubbles)



Crazy Golf

Throw, catch or hit!





Stars of the Week Video

Additional videos aimed at your child’s pathway (Explorer/Adventurer/Voyager)






My Communication – Following instructions

My Thinking and Problem Solving – Food Groups 

The World About Me - Making Smoothies

Me and My Body – Sensory Circuit
(Thurs 18.6.20)

My Creativity - Dance

My Community – Basic First Aid


What you need for the Six Star Sports Challenges...

For all of the activities your learner will need to wear sportswear including trainers whether they are undertaking the activities in school or at home. 



What you will need



Warm up

N.B. An alternative to the warm up challenge is the Explorer Sensory Circuit posted on YouTube 18.06.20


Throw, catch or hit!

1) A ball (a toilet roll or ball of socks would work too)

2) Optional – cricket or tennis bat



Climbing socks and shoes

5 pairs of socks and shoes and 4 tin cans

(Optional for the challenge adaptation for explorers – 2 different colour packs of post it notes or coloured paper (for wall climbing slots))



Balloon challenge (or bubbles)

Balloon or bubbles




A chair or comfortable floor/mat



Crazy golf

1) A ball or some scrunched up tin foil

2) Something to hit with – e.g. a putter/cricket bat/tennis racket (you can use your foot if you can’t find anything)

3) Some unbreakable objects to hit – e.g. water bottles and a few tin cans


Look out for the first videos on Monday!

Have a great weekend and stay safe!