This week Chestnut Class have been enjoying lots of spooky goings on! During Attention Autism sessions we enjoyed a ghostly number rhyme and finding out how many left when one is taken away by splatting cream and we took turns to splat! We have been identifying Halloween themed key word language using speech, core boards and gestures during Stage 2 reveals. In Art activities we have continued exploring textures and printing our own pumpkins using different fruits and shaving foam ghosts. We have made pumpkin biscuits with Mrs Lane and enjoyed Halloween rhymes during singing sessions. As always we have been practising our transitions around school to access the sensory room, Hall and track and learning to transition from favourable activities with visual supports and are making super progress from our September starting points.

As part of Black History Month we have enjoyed a Handa’s Surprise Attention Autism, matching the animals to the fruits, splatting them in Stage 2 and then tasting and exploring the fruits in Stage 3! During Music, Chestnut Class listened and danced to music and held our own Carnival on Thursday afternoon engaging with ribbons. 

What a week!

Great work Chestnut Class and have a lovely half term break.