This week 9A we’re lucky enough to visit the pantomime at Victoria Hall in Bolton. We travelled with some other classes to see Cinderella and Mr Welsh kindly drove us in the school minibus whilst some travelled on the coach. Everyone found the pantomime very funny with lots of silly jokes. The Ugly Sisters spotted Mr Crew in the audience and asked him to be their boyfriend. Everyone laughed lots at this. At the interval we enjoyed a snack of popcorn then Miss Greenwood shared some sweets with us.
On Wednesday we walked into town to look for Christmas trees before enjoying our lunch at the chippy again. There were lots of different trees around town and the learners did a great job at spotting them. Then it was time to shop for our Cooking and Nutrition ingredients. Most learners have added another ingredient to their twist on pasta bake this week.
We’ve also been busy making props for our Christmas production, but we are keeping them as a surprise for you all, watch this space! We have been practicing our parts and done lots of preparation so hopefully we will be ok on the day.
We made our individual pasta bakes this afternoon. Let’s hope they made it home for you to try.
Our Star of the Week this week is…….everyone for excellent behaviour whilst at the Pantomime. Today is also Teegan’s birthday. She shared her birthday cake with her friends and we all sang happy birthday to her.