This last couple of weeks we have been on the countdown to Christmas in 9A we have made lots of Christmas crafts and enjoyed some Christmas films. This week has been extra special and we have had lots of fun. We started the week with our Christmas production and and I’m sure you will agree our learners did an amazing job. We were so proud of them. On Monday afternoon we had sharing our learning, where we made Christmas decorations and had mince pies and hot chocolate. Thank you to all of you that made it. 

On Wednesday we had our community visit, we went to Asda to get all of the items we needed for our Christmas party and then we enjoyed some chicken and chips from Critchleys farm shop for our lunch. We all agreed it was very tasty and warmed us all up. 

On Thursday Olivia joined us on teams and we had a special visit from Santa and his elves while we had our breakfast. All of the learners were happy to get a present from Santa. In the afternoon we enjoyed watching the film nativity with some popcorn as a treat. 

On Friday we have enjoyed our Christmas party in class, we played some party games and enjoyed some party food. It has been a lovely end to a very long term. 
This weeks star of the week is Ben for being the best bus driver in the Christmas production and for making all of the props. Well done Ben. 

We hope all of you have a fabulous Christmas and new year and manage to get some much needed rest. We look forward to seeing all of the learners back at school in the New year.