24 May

9A summer 1 - Week 6

9A have had a fantastic end to the half term. We started the week off with a descriptive game where we each drew a head on a piece of paper and then folded the paper. We passed it to someone else and they drew a body. We folded it again and passed it over to someone else for them to draw the…

17 May

9A- Week 5- Summer 1


This week in 9A we have been looking at Character descriptions. We read a description of a character and then had to draw what we thought they looked like from the description. We had some brilliant interpretations and pictures. 
On  Monday we were lucky enough to have a special yoga…

2 May

9A summer 1- week 3


This week in 9A, We have started to read our new book The Tin Forest, we had a think about the things we might find in a forgotten place full of things people didn’t want any more and We’ve created some lovely art work based on the descriptive words in the story. 

We have had some problems…

26 Apr

9A summer 1 - week 2

We have had another lovely week in 9A this week. 

We have finished reading our fantasy book ‘ Leon and the place in between’, all the learners have enjoyed reading the book and creating their own magical place. They also wrote some fantastic descriptive stories about what they thought Leon…

28 Mar

9A Week 6

On Monday morning we did some maths puzzles and games, we really enjoyed them. Then we did some reading. In the afternoon we painted our World War 2 model planes. Some of us found it really relaxing, some of us found it messy but we all enjoyed it. Then we did the blog and our friends did…

5 Feb

9A week 5 term 2

On Monday morning we learnt about mental health week. We talked about how we felt and that our voices matter then we did some mindfulness colouring. After break we did some reading and Sound-write. After lunch we did relax to get ourselves ready for the afternoon. We then made some decorations for…

24 Jan

9A week 3 - Term 2

This week in learners own words. 

On Monday morning, Olivia joined us for a couple of hours, it was really nice to see her in school. We did maths and looked at time. We were putting the right time on the clock faces. After break we did some reading and Spelling. In the afternoon we started…

16 Jan

9A Week 2- Term 2

On Monday morning we had maths. We finished off our Capacity work and played a game to test how much we remembered. In my communication we had a think of some questions about the police to ask the PCSO on Wednesday. After lunch we did yoga to help get us ready to learn again. Then we learnt about…

8 Jan

Welcome back 9A

Happy New Year, we hope you all had a lovely break. We have had a lovely return to school this week and it’s been great to see all the learners and hearing about their Christmases. 
This is our week in the learners words.

“On Monday morning we enjoyed having a catch up with our friends.…

22 Dec

Merry Christmas from 9A

This last couple of weeks we have been on the countdown to Christmas in 9A we have made lots of Christmas crafts and enjoyed some Christmas films. This week has been extra special and we have had lots of fun. We started the week with our Christmas production and and I’m sure you will agree our…

15 Dec

Hanukkah in 9A

Today in 9A we have been learning about Hanukkah which is the Jewish festival of light. We looked at how Jewish people might celebrate. We learned what the menorah represents and then we made our own menorah lamps. In food tech we had a go at making some Hanukkah sweets. Everyone thought they were…

20 Nov

9A week 4 - Term 2

This weeks blog in learners own words. 

On Monday morning we did maths. We all did some different number work and problems. Then we did my communication, we wrote the conflict and resolution parts of our science- fiction stories. In the afternoon we did relax and then we did understanding…