These weeks are just flying by - and the warm weather is definitely helping!

This week we have introduced a new regulation slot into out timetable. This involves getting outside and using battle ropes to get us energised in a morning. The learners have enjoyed spending this time outside. In maths this week, we have entered our final week learning about multiplication and division - some learners have been learning division through sharing and grouping, some learners have been learning how to use a written method for multiplication and some learnings have been using multiplication and division facts to learn about ratio and proportion. 

In English, we have continued to write our fantasy stories. The learners are enjoying thinking about mystical places and magical characters. They are a little way off of finishing but they will be fantastic to read!

On Monday afternoon, we learnt more about human development and what changes our bodies go through when we hit puberty. The learners were very sensible and showed great understanding. We also did Spanish, where we learnt numbers and completed a crossword.

On Tuesday afternoon, our learners had music with Mrs Mahood. They first looked at the notes on the music lines and identified the letters, then got out the recorders and learnt the notes B A G. 

On Wednesday morning, we joined KS4 out on the track, as they took part in their sponsored colour run. We enjoyed listening to the music and cheering on our friends in the other classes. In the afternoon, we headed over to Haigh Hall. We sat in the shade of the trees to eat our lunch then went for a wander in the wooded paths. We then headed back up to the courtyard and had ice cream! It really helped to cool us down before we came back to school. 

On Thursday we didn't spend much time actually in school. In the morning, we went to ASDA to do our weekly shop. Our learners did some fantastic maths and English when out this morning, finding our ingredients in the shop, working out the best price for ingredients, and using the correct coins to pay. In the afternoon, we got the bus down to Astley Park to do our PE lesson. It was great fun to get out the play rounders, in preparation for our Sharing Our Learning in a few weeks. 

On Friday we started the day with our work experience. Each week the class staff praise our learners on the fantastic job they have done in classes. They are making a real connection to the learners in there too! After work experience we made our courgette muffins. The mixture looked a little questionable, more like dough than muffin mixture, but we still ploughed on. They looked much better when they were cooked, so hopefully they taste nice too - you will be able to judge for yourselves when they come home! As you can see from our photo, it was thumbs up all around from everyone who tried them! In the afternoon we had golden time and celebration assembly. Our star of the week this week is Ben, for showing resilience in this weeks maths work, allowing staff to push him with more challenging work! Well done Ben!

Have a lovely weekend.