This week in Chestnut Class our theme has been 'The Countryside'.

In class, Alex has been counting of all our farm animals and sorting big, medium, and small.

We have all been getting musical and enjoyed singing ‘Old Macdonald Had A Farm’ during what's in the box. LeBron did really well finding all the animals whilst we sang the song.

We got creative doing some fun vegetable printing. Benedict really enjoying getting messy making a fabulous picture!

Jack made a fantastic symmetrical pig picture and thought it was really funny squashing the paint between the paper.

George has enjoyed exploring in our garden doing lots of digging trying to find carrots, sweetcorn and potatoes.

Ethan has done some great reading and letter tracing at home, and then enjoyed making his paper plate pig when he was in school.

We have also enjoyed ‘World Religion Week’. Primary focus was Hinduism, looking at Holi which is the celebration of colour. We have incorporated lots of colours into all our activities during the week. We have enjoyed exploring colours, mixing colours, and using them for different art activities. During movement time we also had lots of fun learning Bollywood dance moves. We had a really good go at copying them and enjoyed listening to the music.

Lets see what our home learners have been up to....... 

Harrison has done really well with feeding himself and has made some brilliant animal hand and feet prints. He has also enjoyed joining in with all our video calls.

Bobby has been busy making cakes and his Mummy said he is doing really well talking in full sentences!!

Congratulations to our ‘Star of the Week’ who is Benedict. Ben has been doing some fantastic communicating in class. Well done Benedict. 

From all of Chestnut Class Team