Well this week began with a visit from Mr Welsh and Miss  Wells. They were able to watch us make predictions about our bodies. Can taller people jump the farthest? We measured everyone’s height and then got everyone to jump as far as they could and measured the distance. 8A made sure Mr Welsh and Miss Wells joined in with the experiment. I wonder if you could guess what the outcome was? 
We continued our trips out and about in the local community. We are looking forward to parents and carers joining us on the last week to show how independent we can be when ordering our drinks and food. 
Friday was Comic Relief day so we enjoyed Little Miss and Mr Men scavenger hunt around school. Little Miss Naughty lived up to her name as we did struggle to find her, but we worked well in terms and did find her eventually.

We then made some delicious  cakes for Mother’s Day treats along with cards. We hope these have arrived home in one piece so you can all enjoy them. We had some of the big cake left so the young people delivered some slices to some of the staff. Ms Lea sent an email to say “Please can you pass on my thanks for the gorgeous slice of chocolate cake that you gave me today.It was so yummy and filled up my tummy….. I LOVE chocolate and fresh cream. You are very talented chefs to make such lovely cake. thanks again Ms Lea “ That’s as close to a 5 star review as we could get.