Last week in school, we are all ready for a rest after a busy half-term.
On Monday morning the learners started to create their own Kahoot! Quiz about the things they have learnt over the last half term. In My Thinking and Problem Solving we played a game to work on our number value and placement.
The World About Me we looked at how the moon moves around the earth and the different phases of the moon throughout the month. All the learners had a good understanding. Well done.
On Tuesday morning we visited Haigh Hall for the last time this term. We had a gentle walk around the walled garden and then a play on the park. To finish off we visited the cafe for a snack and drink. It was very tasty and everyone enjoyed it.
It was Olivia’s 14th birthday and she brought in a chocolate cake so after lunch we all sang happy birthday and had a yummy piece of cake. Happy birthday Olivia!!!
In the afternoon we chose our favourite dances again in P.E.
It was our last swimming lesson at Hindley Swimming Pool. Paula the swimming coach had lots of fun games planned for us to highlight the different swimming techniques we’ve learnt over the last 7 weeks. The learners had to blow a small ball all the way up the pool and keep it moving without touching it with their hands. The next game was putting a small float on their heads, to look like Mickey Mouse ears. When they were swimming they had to keep their heads straight to keep the floats on their heads. Lastly they used a noodle to pretend they were seahorses and race length of the pool. The learners really enjoyed it and were able to show off the techniques they had learnt. Well done everybody.
In the afternoon they used 2 different coloured play dough to make models of things they liked. The models were amazing!!!
In My Communication over the last half-term we have been learning about Katherine Johnson who overcame racial and gender hurdles that a helped make giant leaps for humankind. We also looked at the life of Baroness Floella Benjamin. This was part of celebrating Black History month and in particular celebrating Black Women and their achievements.
This week, Thursday was the new Friday, so lots of us enjoyed the chips and pizza or fish and chips dinner. Before that all the School Coucil met to introduce themselves to each other. They were treated to a welcome breakfast and Miss Della Ferra was very impressed with the representatives from 9A. They made a great team.
Then we had Golden Time and celebration assembly. Our Star of the Week this week is Gemma for being very mature in a difficult situation. Well done Gemma.
Have a wonderful half term everyone. Stay safe and see you all in a week.