We have had a very busy start to our last half term in 7A. 


In Week One, we had a school based week, recapping learning and skills from Summer 1. We had big learning focus in surrounding our creative thinking and creative writing skills. We worked in groups to design a group ‘monster’. After designing the monster together, each designing a different body part, we thought about different describing words we could use for the monster talking about its features, its behaviour and skills. To further our creative thinking skills we then individually used the ‘Puppet Pals’ app to create a short animated story about the monster. 7A have been enjoying using Puppet Pals and creating videos using the different feature options. 


In Week Two, we started our swimming lessons at All Seasons - 7A have been brilliant in the pool continuing practicing our swimming skills from Spring 2. We enjoyed learning in ‘Potions Class’ looking at materials; exploring the materials and categorising them by properties. 7A enjoyed sharing the materials in the tuff tray and looking at labelling by their features and exploring what the meaning behind some of our materials vocabulary.

Week Two was also Rainbow Week and at Astley Park School we celebrated our differences and our different family types. 7A participated in activities throughout the week thinking about what makes us different and unique and how being different is okay. We then drew pictures of the family that live in our houses and looked at how these can be different. 7A did amazing work with thinking about how families are different thinking about blended families and thinking about what kind of family they live in. 

On Friday, we wore Yellow to show how proud we are to be different and joined the school Rainbow Day Parade!


Week Three was Sports Week! Everyday in Sports Week we participated in a sports activity. 

  • On Monday we engaged in a Yoga workshop. 
  • On Tuesday we went swimming at All Seasons
  • On Wednesday we participated in exercise circuits in the hall
  • On Thursday we played Rounders within our PE lesson. We even had some extra friends join us from 7P and 9A! 
  • On Friday we joined in a Multi-Sports workshop in the cage. 

Throughout the week we have been thinking and talking about the effect of exercise on our bodies.


Super work, 7A!