This week started with us introducing 'Snack Shop', where our learners were given spending money for the week that they will use to 'buy' their snacks this week. We have been VERY generous with the pricing, with a whole piece of toast only costing 5p and a packet of crisp costing 10p. This will hopefully help the learners with their coin recognition and possibly budgeting towards the end of the week when money gets a bit tight! We are also thinking about introducing a jobs list, where they can earn some money back! 

In maths we are continuing to learn about multiplication and division. The learners are doing so well with this and are learning more and more each day. We have been using arrays and times tables to help us with our number facts. In English, we have started to write our fantasy stories. I have set the bar high and told the learners that this will be the BEST piece of writing they have every produced. I can't wait to read them! 

Monday afternoon saw us learning about how quickly babies grow from being born up to 1 year old. We talked about all the things that toddlers can do that babies can't. We thought about how babies communicate and how that changes as they grow, about what babies eat and even how they move. This was then followed by a lovely, relaxing yoga session as part of sports week. As usual, our learners fully embraced the relaxation element! The final activity of the day was to use our iPads to learn colours in Spanish. We translated the words and coloured in a rainbow. With today being Gemma's birthday, she very kindly brought in doughnuts for the class - it meant they got to save some snack money as she decided not to charge her friends! 

On Tuesday afternoon we had our music lesson. We practiced singing and rapping our new lyrics for the stop bullying song. All of the learners have worked really hard on creating their new lyrics. 

We visited Haigh Hall again on Wednesday afternoon. It was a short and sweet visit, due to time restraints, but the weather was kind to us, so we enjoyed our lunch in the courtyard. We took a little walk up to the walled gardens before we returned back to school. 

On Thursday we visited ASDA to get our shopping for our cooking lesson on Friday. Mrs Devlin even allowed the class a treat visit to the cafe, where learners enjoyed pancakes or chicken nuggets and chips. In PSHE, we learned about harmful substances. In the afternoon, we joined 7A in their rounders games on the field and enjoyed ice lollies in the hot weather. 

On Friday morning, some of the learners went to do their work experience. We have learners working as TAs in Rowan Class, Oak Class, Beech Class and we also have a PA for the office. This experience is so great for our learners and I know they love it! We then went into the food tech room to make banana muffins (we took a vote and these won over courgette muffins! Maybe we'll surprise them with these next week!!). In the afternoon we celebrated Aaron and Gemma's birthdays with party games, went out for multisports with the the sports coaches and watched celebration assembly. Our star of the week this week is Teegan for being confident enough to ask staff at ASDA cafe for extra cutlery! Well done Teegan! 

We hope you all enjoy the nice weather this weekend, 9A team!