24 Sep

Coffee Morning in Rowan Class

Rowan Class had a lovely time hosting a coffee morning for friends and family. We did lots of baking on Thursday, using our number skills to count out ingredients, lots of pouring and mixing and definitely no tasting, okay maybe a little. On Friday we decorated the classroom ready for our guests.…

17 Sep

Rowan Class exploring all things rainbow!

Rowan Class have been very busy this week both inside the classroom and outdoors! We have been on colour hunt and then a nature hunt - matching natural objects we found to different colours. We have worked hard on writing our names each morning. We have enjoyed Attention Autism sessions and made…

10 Sep

Welcome to Rowan Class

Rowan Class have had a very busy and fun first week! We have made lots of friends, old and new and enjoyed exploring our new classroom and outdoor area. We have done lots of painting, singing, climbing, building and shared lots of stories. Well done to all Rowan Class, enjoy your weekend and we…

19 Aug

Holiday Heroes Group 2

We have had a wonderful last week of Holiday Heroes.

On Tuesday we went swimming, we swam, we splashed, we used the floats and we had so much fun! After lunch we went on the bikes, we found the perfect bike for each of us and enjoyed cycling around the yard and on the track. 


2 Jul

Rowan Class Awards

Pupil Of The Year Award In Rowan 

Jaden won the ‘Pupil Of The Year Aware In Rowan’ for coming on leaps and bounds from his first day at Astley Park School in September. He has grown in confidence around the school and has developed some good friendships with his peers in Rowan class. He…

30 Jun

Rowan Class and the Vikings

This half term Rowan class have been learning all about the Vikings.  

Vikings lived in a long, narrow building called a longhouse. Most had timber frames and thatched roofs. Viking jewellery was beautifully made, using materials ranging from gold to simple animal bones. Both men and women…

18 Jun

Rowan Class

Rowan have had a super busy week this week.....

On Mon we did our Numicon learning in which everyone worked super hard! Then in the afternoon we had PE where we had our very own Euro 2020 football match. It was Australia verses Brazil and it was a very exciting and tense game with a lot of…

28 May

Rowan reuse plastic

This week in Rowan class we have been learning how we can reuse different materials in our homes.

We have designed and decorated our own plant pots using plastic bottles.

After the half-term we are going to sow some seeds and take them home to watch them grow.

Super work this week Rowan,…

20 May

Rowan learn about recycling

This week in Rowan we have been learning about how to protect our planet and how important recycling is to keeping our planet happy.

We have discussed and shared ideas on what items in our house we could recycle instead of putting them in the landfill sites. 

We talked about what recycling…

14 May

Mental Health Awareness Week

A short week in Rowan this week but a busy one! On Weds we we made some Pirate boats using paper plates in the morning with Miss Troughton and in the afternoon we looked at our story for Mental awareness Week called "The Worrysaurus". It was a lovely story and the children responded well by being…

13 May

Rowan celebrate Eid

Today Rowan class have learnt about Eid and how it is celebrated.


We worked in small groups to make our own star shaped biscuits and enjoyed eating them together at snack time.


Super learning today Rowan!! 


7 May

Rowan learns about shapes

This week in Rowan class we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. 

We have been exploring the different shapes and learning about their properties.


Well done Rowan class, you have all done fantastic learning this week!


Hope you all have a lovely weekend and we will see…