20 Jan

Martin Luther King Day in 11A

As part of our English today in 11A we have been looking at and talking about the importance of Martin Luther King Day, we watched some clips and then had a discussion about how we were all feeling.

Some of us said that it made us angry, upset about segregation and we all agreed that…

5 Dec

11A Scrambling Superstars!

Today for our final adventure we visited Kingsdale for some rock scrambling and caving at Yordas Cave. We applied the skills we had learnt on the indoor climbing wall and indoor abseiling in the real world! Once again, everyone worked together as a team to help and support each other face…

4 Dec

11A Canoes and Campfires!

Today, after a pancake breakfast, we have had a fantastic day canoeing on Ulnswater lake. Everybody worked in their teams to travel around the lake and we enjoyed some team games that were lots of fun. Some of us were brave enough to stand up on the canoes to do head, shoulders, knees and toes and…