16 Sep

We haven’t stopped having fun in 9G Group A!

It was another amazing two days in Group A this week! 

We were very lucky to have some lovely weather so were able to do our pentathlon challenge outside! Everyone tried really hard and all of the group cheered each other on whilst taking part! 

As part of getting back into socialising…

16 Sep

7A Bubble A Week 3

7A Bubble A have had a good second week back in school and are settling in to the swing of how things work in the secondary department. Ms Carter's favourite saying of the moment is "but now you're in secondary!"

We have been really lucky with the weather this week, but my goodness has it been…

16 Sep

9R Group A having a blast in week 2!

9R Group A have had a brilliant time in school. We have enjoyed looking at the school YouTube channel and joined in with some dance routines led by Mrs McDonnell, we had a great time getting active and felt great afterwards. We also very lucky and had the chance to use the new climbing frame which…

16 Sep

Week 2 in Rowan Class

We have come to the end of another busy week in Rowan class. This week we have enjoyed getting messy in our science experiments. The first experiment involved squirting shaving foam onto water and seeing what happened when we dropped some food colouring onto the shaving foam. We were all very…

15 Sep

Tyler turns 13.

Today in 8R we have had our first birthday of the new school year. Tyler has become a teenager today and brought in a lovely cake to share with everyone. In our Teams meeting with the rest of the class this afternoon we all sang Happy Birthday to Tyler and gave him 3 cheers. He's excited to enjoy…

15 Sep

10G’s fun in week 2!

Last week 10G had lots of fun whilst settling back into class. On Tuesday we enjoyed celebrating Amelia’s birthday early and sung happy birthday, gave her a chocolate birthday cake to share, a present and card. We also had fun with the sensory circuits, going on a nature walk, practising our…

14 Sep

10R Class Council Elections

Today we held our class elections, two pupils were brave and stood for election in front of their class peers and over digital links. Following their speeches pupils were asked to email in their votes and I am very pleased to announce that the class counsellor of 10R this year, a year of…

14 Sep

Oak - Bubble A and B Get Messy!

This week in Oak class we have enjoyed getting very messy through different sensory activities. The first activity we enjoyed involved making five currant buns out of foam, placing cherries on the top and then taking it in turns to splat them.

Our second activity involved us putting on a…

14 Sep

Welcome back 8R, Group B, Week 2

8R’s Group B have had a fantastic week back in school this week!

We have been very lucky this year and have been given our own iPads for everyone in our class. We really enjoyed setting our own passwords and wallpapers on these and did some super helping to make sure all our friends could…

13 Sep

Welcome to Maple Class B Bubble!

What a fantastic time our B Bubble have had in Maple Class! Our focus for the first few weeks in Maple Class has been to settle in to our new classroom, become more familiar with new friends and teachers and to become familiar with our new routine. Maple Class teachers have spent lots of time…

11 Sep

Maple Class - Bubble A - Week 2

We have had a busy but fun time during our first week back at school.  Lots of exploring our lovely new classroom, and making new friends. We have enjoyed learning, singing, dancing and playing, with lots of fantastic communication. Well done all!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and we…

11 Sep

Welcome to Sycamore!

Welcome to Sycamore Class! 

Sycamore Class have all been very excited to be back in school and exploring their new classroom.  

We have had lots of fun making new friends and trying to remember our friend’s names. 

We have enjoyed lots of group activities including, yoga, playdough gym,…