21 Jun

Sports week in 8A

Sports week in 8A


Our first activity at the start of our Sport week was Yoga. 

We were introduced to Tracey again who started our Yoga session by a little Meditation. We followed Tracey’s instructions and did a big breath in then big breath out whilst holding their chest with their…

21 Jun

Ducklings in 8A

Duck visit in 8A


This week we have had a few special visitors. Miss Molloy from Sycamore class arranged for Astley Park to be the proud owners of some duck eggs. The school has looked after these duck eggs and three of the eggs hatched. 

In turn each class within Astley Park have looked…

21 Jun

Maple Class enjoys sports week and meet the ducklings!

Maple Class have had a very busy week this week, we have enjoyed sports activities for sports week and we got to meet the ducklings!

At the beginning of the week we started the day with dance sessions. Everyone chose a just dance song and we all enjoyed moving and dancing to the music, it was…

21 Jun

Prom in 11R! 2024

Yesterday our year 11s had their prom! It's been a very busy past few weeks getting everything finalised and ready and we're all so glad that the day ran smoothly and everyone had a great time.

We welcomed our learners to school in the afternoon where they were all dressed up and ready for the…

21 Jun

Beech class sports week 2024

Beech class have had a very active week for sports week!

We went down to the sports court and had lots of fun running around, exploring the balance bikes, and playing with the parachute. We’ve also enjoyed our daily walks around the track and playing with our friends on the…

17 Jun

8P Rainbow Day

8P celebrated Rainbow Day on Friday by learning about how families around the world are all different. For example, some families have two mums, some families have two dads, some families have a mum and a dad, and some families have two mums and two dads. We also discussed how there are also…

17 Jun

9A Summer 2 Week 3

This week started with us introducing 'Snack Shop', where our learners were given spending money for the week that they will use to 'buy' their snacks this week. We have been VERY generous with the pricing, with a whole piece of toast only costing 5p and a packet of crisp costing 10p. This will…

17 Jun

10A Fun at the Anderton Centre

Another fun day at The Anderton Centre. This week we took to the water to learn paddle boarding. We firstly had to collect our water safe clothing this included a wet suit, waterproof jacket, life jacket and helmet.

We listened to our instructor Robin who gave us our safety information and our…

14 Jun

9P Summer 2. Week 2.

What a lovely week it has been for staff and pupils of 9P. 

We have been celebrating our own version of Pride week with lots of discussions around families, awareness, acceptance and equality. We have used power points and colouring sheets to learn more about how we are all different, and how…

14 Jun

11G Summer Week 8

Well what a strange this week has turned out to be! As I’m writing this, we are down to just 4 weeks left in 11G!!!


On Monday morning we were off to swimming at Hindley. We have a new teacher now who is lovely and she put us through our paces to get lots of lengths in. Mrs Fisher and Mr…

14 Jun

9A Summer 2 Week 2

Hola! This week in 9A, we have continued to learn about multiplication and division. Some of us were learning about the multiplication symbol, some of us were learning about sharing and grouping and some of us were even learning about ratio! Great work from everyone. In English, we use our setting…

14 Jun

Rainbow week in 8A

What a busy week it’s been in 8A.

This week it’s been Rainbow week and Neurodiversity week.


At the start of the Rainbow activity day the class target was to say one thing they have learnt about Rainbow day / Pride month after the activity. 


Firstly, 8A watched a video about…