Valentines in Chestnut Class
This week in Chestnut Class, our theme has been Valentines.
We’ve enjoyed a special valentines themed Sensology which included;
Seeing- Valentines colours with different materials.
Hearing - Listening to the heartbeats with our ears that we made on the drums, choosing to tap…

9P NSPCC Number Day and Safer Internet Day
This week, we have had two very important SMSC events: NSPCC Number Day and Safer Internet Day.
We learnt about Safer Internet Day using a PowerPoint about the importance of online safety. We also discussed what online threats there could be and discussed the importance of not talking to…
Love, Bugs and Friendships in Beech
What a great start to 2025 Beech class have had!
To end our topic of bugs, we explored spiders, lady birds, used magnifying glasses to find the hidden creepy crawlies and used the splatter to splat the bugs.
We enjoyed exploring books, playing music, making friendships and enjoyed a…

Safer Internet Day in 7P
Safer Internet Day.
On Tuesday 11th February it was Safer Internet Day and the theme this year is around online threats and is it too good to be true.
We watched a PowerPoint on keeping safe on the internet, especially sharing photos and information on line so this information…

See you next term Sycamore!
We have had such a busy term!
Sycamore have looked at healthy and unhealthy choices, the hungry caterpillar, AA sessions, lots of Thrive Time and we’ve all done amazing!
Hopefully our outdoor area should be finished when we come back just in time for warmer weather and lots of outdoor…

10A - Spring 1 Week 6 - W/B 10.02.25
What a busy half term we have had. Well done 10A you have worked super hard.
On Monday morning we did Maths and after break we did an English quiz. We all worked independently and quietly.
In the afternoon some of us went to Tesco to buy our breakfast things. We walked to Tesco and we…
Willow week 5 and 6
Willow class have had a super busy 2 weeks. Swimming, music, PE, learning about coins and money, role play shop and so much more. We made our own Supertato heroes with a potato and we added different materials to make our superhero, the learners really enjoyed this. Our learners enjoyed learning…

11A visit Lancaster Castle
On Tuesday we were very excited to go on a visit to Lancaster Castle which concludes our learning of the Pendle Witch trials.
We were very lucky to have a guided tour of the castle, this included the men’s prison and the women’s prison. We had a look inside some of the cells and the guide…

A fabulous start to February in Maple class!
What a fabulous start to February in Maple class !
This week we have continued to learn about healthy food by matching colours to fruit and vegetables ,Packing lunch boxes for a picnic and cooking our colourful noodles .
We have enjoyed exploring our senses in Sensology , smelling , tasting…

Know yourself, Grow yourself in 7P
Children's Mental Health Week 2025 took place at Astley Park School between the 3rd -9th February 2025. This year, one of the themes is Know Yourself, Grow Yourself and aims to raise awareness and support and empower young people.
The learners watched a couple of PowerPoints to help them to…
10P Know yourself, grow yourself
This week is Children’s Mental Health Week - “Know yourself - Grow yourself” During this week we’ve talked about how we feel when we our bodies are dysregulated and what we can do to help us feel calm, happy and regulated again. The learners had lots of ideas and we discussed how things work for…

10P Spring Term Week 5!
We started this week on Monday with a breathing activity as it’s Children’s Mental Health week this week and we wanted to do something that is good for us. Then it was maths where continued to look at the months of the year. In the afternoon we were working on our road safety and we all went up to…