23 Oct

Youv'e Got a Friend in Me! 9R

9R have continued their learning on the topic of Toy Story, by concentrating on friendship. We have been looking, listening and signing the lyrics to, You've Got a Friend in Me, and we then made additional lyrics ourselves. Some of us have been in the sensory enjoying a friend themed story and we…

16 Oct

Maple Class Autumn 1 Week 7

Maple class have been very busy this week, learning about all things Autumn. We have been counting carrots in hay, painting trees, and decorating squirrels. We have also been outside for nature walks and enjoyed some Autumn dancing and singing. Well done all!

Mrs Down, Miss Melling and the…

16 Oct

9R Autumn 1 Week 7

9R have a had a great week. They have created some great puppet shows on the iPad, and made happiness jars. On Wednesday they received an email asking them to manufacture a toy from the past and create an advert for the present. During Art and Creativity we looked at the work of Andy Warhol, and…

9 Oct

9R - Autumn 1 Week 6

9R have continued their learning this week, with activities based on Toy Story.  We have created some fantastic toy crafts, compared toys from the past and present and had some great group discussions. We have also enjoyed time in our lovely new reading area (Thank you Mrs Cobham and Miss…

9 Oct

Maple Class - Autumn 1 Week 6

Maple Class have continued some fantastic learning in Week 6.  We have looked at more nursery rhymes, including Wheels on the Bus (we enjoyed taking turns to be the driver), The Muffin Man, we have made cakes with playdough and sold them in our Maple Class Cake Shop. We have matched numbers to the…

2 Oct

Maple Class Autumn 1 Week 5

Maple Class had a great start to the week as we continued to focus our learning on nursery rhymes. Lots of counting of ducks, fish and currant buns! Lots of splatting of foam currant buns too! Everyone has continued to explore all the different provisions both in class and outside, and we continue…

2 Oct

9R Autumn 1 Week 5

9R have had a busy but fun Week 5. We explored our senses, using our sense of smell to guess lots of different and unusual things. Then we explored the human body further by researching different organs, and creating a skeleton out of straws. We have been busy reviewing our favourite books, the…

25 Sep

9R Group B Week 4

We have had a lovely time in 9R this week. We finished off our Lockdown Journal, our last page was all about the different activities we had done during lockdown: baking, walking, watching Netflix and colouring! We accepted the Spaghetti Tower Challenge from Group A and although we are awaiting…

25 Sep

Maple Group A Week 4

We have had lots of fun in the sun this week in Maple Class. We have been singing songs outside, with lots of counting. We enjoyed a lovely sensory trail, especially the foam tray! During our Move session we all joined in with yoga and had a good dance and we used great communication skills to…

18 Sep

9R Group B - Week 3

We have had lots of fun in 9R this week. Creating a Lockdown Journal on Book Creator on our iPads, making quizzes, enjoying mindfulness sessions, climbing on the climbing frame and of course eating ice-cream! We have all been kind to one another, with lots of very good communication.

Have a…

18 Sep

Maple Group A - Week 2

Group A have had another busy but fun week in Maple Class.  We have been enjoying lots of activities about our hands and feet! We all traced our feet and made a trail to dance through class, we have been enjoying playdough faces in the mark making area, water outside which we used for a tea party,…

11 Sep

Maple Class - Bubble A - Week 2

We have had a busy but fun time during our first week back at school.  Lots of exploring our lovely new classroom, and making new friends. We have enjoyed learning, singing, dancing and playing, with lots of fantastic communication. Well done all!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and we…