6 Mar

Another busy week in 11R.

Another busy week in 11R  working at Chorley in Bloom planting lots of seeds and bulbs, all ready for the lovely spring time. We also started our final swimming sessions and everyone worked really hard on their  front crawl technique.

Our favourite day this week had to be Wednesday which was…

24 Feb

11R Enjoy Chorley in Bloom


We arrived at The Hub, we managed to miss the rain and arrived there nice and dry. A young man called Zak was helping Iris and David. He was very knowledgeable. He explained what we were going to do and showed us different kinds of bulbs. We also got to smell the garlic bulbs some of us…

8 Feb

Mental Health Awareness in 11R

We all know the importance of looking after our mental health in 11R- however this week we have been focusing on our worries and anxieties, looking at how they show themselves in in us- and some strategies that we use to help us!

We looked at positives, rather than things that we struggle…

7 Feb

Celebrating Chinese New Year in 11R !


In 11R we have had a fantastic week celebrating Chinese New Year ! We have been finding out fun facts about Chinese New Year and sharing with our friends, making origami rabbits followed by an hilarious game of Chinese whispers.

31 Jan

Valentines Disco 2023

The order forms are coming home today- for this years Valentines Disco- which will be held on Thursday 9th February- 5-7pm! Please fill in your slip and return to school as soon as you can! These events are great fun and raise valuable funds towards Prom/School funds!

29 Jan

11R independent travel 2023


This was our first trip out on pupil transport in year eleven. 
We walked to the local bus stopped.  Once the bus had stopped . Each one of us used our NOW card  and ask the bus driver for a bus ticket to  Leyland Tesco, quite challenging for some of us, but we all did…

20 Jan

11R icy weather did not stop our fun, we made bird feeders!

Our visit to Chorley in Bloom was cancelled due to the icy weather. So we continued with our D of E topic in school. We all contributed in a class discussion with everyone saying something that could help the environment, from recycling to using energy efficient light bulbs. Then the fun…

13 Jan

11R Start Volunteering With Chorley In Bloom

This week was the start of our volunteering section of our Duke of Edinburgh Award. We walked upto the education hub space of Chorley in Bloom and we had our induction with the lovely team there. We learned about health and safety in a garden and working as a team. We had a tour around the site…

10 Jan

Reverse Advent 2022

Today myself, our School councillor and deputy from 11R  delivered all of the donations that we had collected during advent to our local Food Bank!

We had planned to go as a class- but unfortunately due to the weather we couldn’t!

A big Thank You to everybody that sent in donations-…

16 Dec

11R Build up to Christmas

11R have had great time celebrating their very last Christmas at Astley Park School. 
With craft days making lots of things from snowmen, cards, hand made presents for family and many more things, parties, Christmas gifts , school production and end of term trips. Oh my goodness what busy…

9 Dec

11R Sharing Our Learning - Hairspray

Today we welcomed our parents and careers into school to show off our learning throughout the Autumn term. 

Parents were welcomed into the hall to watch a presentation of rehearsal photos which lead us into watching our PE Hairspray performance taught to us by Dani from Chorley School Sports…

29 Nov

Great news Hoodies have arrived!

We have been waiting a while……but we are so pleased with our leavers hoodies.