9 Mar

8R Colourful Afternoon for Holi

Today we have been learning about Holi in class. Mrs Clarke told us the story of Prahlad  and why Hindu people celebrate Holi. We used pastel crayons, water and powder paint to create some amazing art pieces aswell as making a bit of a mess in the classroom!!! Have a look at our pieces of work and…

5 Mar

World Book Day in 8R

With it being World Book Day and Astley Park School having an Animal theme, this morning we have read the book 'Giraffes Can't Dance'.

After reading the book we got creative and made our own giraffes. We had a paper plate each and we could use paint, glue, paper, scissors and googly eyes. As…

25 Feb

8R Pancake Celebrations

Today is Pancake Tuesday so this afternoon some of us had  pancake races in class. Mrs Clarke made it more tricky because we had to use tissue paper pancakes!! We had lots of fun trying to get across the classroom without dropping our "pancake". Mrs Clarke and Mrs Devlin even had a race with the…

24 Feb

Malachi's 13th birthday.

Malachi celebrated his 13th birthday during the half term holidays. Today we had a cake in class and sang happy birthday to help him celebrate becoming a teenager. Malachi has taken the left over cake home to share with his mum and dad. Hope they enjoy it as much as we all did.

14 Feb

8R's Rainbows

As part of the LGBT+ celebrations we decorated our own rainbows that we are going to display in our classroom. 

We had a a very grown up discussion about how we are all different and the world would be a very boring place if we were all the same. Some of us could even tell me what LGBT stands…

12 Feb

8R Safer Internet Day 2020

Today 8R looked at internet safety. Our class digital leader lead a session about creating our own avatar. This was to show how easy it was to pretend to be someone else on the internet. I wonder who can guess who's avatar belongs to who in our class? We looked at how we can keep ourselves safe on…

5 Feb

8R Have Fun in the Park

Today, as part of Children's Mental Health we, we decided to go to the park and release some endorphins. We had lots of fun and all came away happy, laughing and feeling so much better. Some of us weren't too keen on the walk there but once there everybody has lots of fun. Even Mrs Devlin braved…

3 Feb

8R Digital Artwork

Today in class we discussed World Mental Health week. We talked about the things we do to keep ourselves calm and happy. We all had lots of different things that we did to help us. We then used the i pads to draw some artwork to show this. See the link attached to see our fantastic pieces of…

3 Feb

Lewis turns 13!!

Today Lewis turned 13. He brought in a Nuzzle and Scratch cake to share with his friends. The all sang happy birthday to him and enjoyed watching the sparkling candles. Then they all enjoyed a piece of the delicious cake. Happy birthday Lewis.



22 Jan

Kind Friends are the Best Friends

In class yesterday we had a story all about "Getting On and Falling Out" Some of us were able to role play the characters. We had great fun but also listened to some great advice on how to be a good and kind friend to each other. We have been given an envelope each with friendship tokens in them…

22 Jan

1 Wedding and 1 Baptism in 8R

In class last week we have been looking at Christianity. Miss Heaton has been teaching us all about what happens at a baptism and awedding in a church. We were able to role play a wedding out wearing Mrs Devlin's very old wedding dress and veil. We completed some worksheets to show how much we had…

20 Jan

Sam Turns 13!

On Friday in class we celebrated Sam's 13th birthday. We sang to him and gave him a card before we all enjoyed some of the caterpillar cake. He took the leftover cake home to share with his mum. He has invited us to a party at Energi Trampoline centre in Preston on Saturday.